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3 Home Water Treatment Methods

by Andrea Lawson

If your household water gets contaminated and you don't have bottled water, you can still treat your water at home. Home water treatment systems reduce health hazards, chemicals, and other toxic substances.

You can detect an odor or hardness problem with a simple observation. However, detecting bacteria and other toxic microorganisms usually calls for laboratory tests. Find below various home water treatment methods to purify your drinking water:

1. Filtration

A water filter is a component that removes pollutants from water through a physical, biological, or chemical process. Today, manufacturers design a wide range of filters that keep out germs. Experts consider filtered water healthier because the process doesn't deplete all the mineral salts.

Filtration is economical because the water amount lost in the process is very little. When you choose a water filter for purchase, consider the type, needs, and preferences. Common types of water filters include:

  • Mechanical filters. These types eliminate suspended materials such as sand and organic matter from water. Use them with other treatment methods since mechanical filters don't remove fine dissolved particles.
  • Neutralization filters. Neutralization filters acidic water. The water passes through a neutralization agent, e.g., limestone chips, to eliminate any acidic compounds.
  • Active carbon filters. Water passes via a carbon cartridge that absorbs impurities. Active carbon filters remove organic compounds and undesirable tastes and odors.

2. Boiling

Boiling is arguably the safest and least expensive method of home water treatment. Water sources or their distribution channels sometimes contain harmful microorganisms. Whereas you cannot see the microorganisms with your naked eye, the health risks they pose can be fatal. Fortunately, when you thoroughly boil, you destroy any bacteria in the water.

Bring the water to boil and let it stay at a rolling boil for a few minutes. After that, cover and let it cool before you store it in a clean container. If you draw your water from a well, let it settle and filter it to eliminate the components.

3. Chlorination

Chlorine is an off-shelf water purification chemical that kills parasites, germs, and microorganisms. You can either use chlorine tablets or liquids. Use the right concentration and leave adequate exposure time before drinking chlorinated water. Chlorine concentration of up to 4 milligrams for every liter is safe for your health.


Clean drinking water is paramount for your household's health. As such, you need an efficient home water treatment system to stay safe. You can use any of the above methods. The choice depends on the water conditions, chemicals availability, and personal preference. The ultimate goal is to get clean water.
